Seasons of the Palm is a fictional novel set in Kongunadu (western Tamil Nadu) describing the day to day lives and struggles of a Dalit untouchable boy, Shorty, and his friends. The story revolves aro

Seasons of the Palm is a fictional novel set in Kongunadu (western Tamil Nadu) describing the day to day lives and struggles of a Dalit untouchable boy, Shorty, and his friends. The story revolves aro


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Years a ability about absence accept accompanied accords account, action activities, activity activity- add administration adrenaline advantage advantages advocate advocates affected afraid after against aid. albeit all allowed almost also amaze among amount amplify an and and, animals any are arises around arrived article, artificially as ascent asks aspect. assess assuring at atrocities attending attitudes attitudinal attributes author authorities author’s autobiographical available avenues aware away. backlash bad badly baffling barbarity barriers batting be be. beaten beating because becomes becoming before before. being beings believed between beyond birth blame bleak blown-out bonded book borderline born both boy, boys boy”(Murugan, breaking brewing brief bringing broken brother brought burden bureaucracy. but by can cannot captivated captures care carefully. caretaker case caste caste, caste-the castes- catalysis caught caught, cause ceased. chance change change, changes changing cheerful child childhood children children. circumstances. clean cleaning clear clearly close closer coconuts come comfort committed common community community-the companionship compared complete completely completing concentrates condemned conditions confidence confident connection consequent consequently consider contact continue contractual contrast contrasted control control. convenience. conversations conveys convince cooks corner correct could countryside countryside. created creates criticized. cross crossed crossed, crossfire crush culpable. cure curiosity cycle daily damage. danger. day days days, days. dealings deathbed. debt decision-making delay demanding demi-god demigods. dependency dependent derive describes describing desires. despite destiny. deviate deviation. died different differently dilemma diminished dirty discrimination discussion disobedience disorder distance distraught diversifying divided do does dominant done down dreams due during dwelling each earlier economic economics economy economy. education educational elders emancipation emancipation. emphasis encase encompassing endangers enemies enough enslavement ensues ensuing equally equilibrium essence essentially evade even eventually ever every example example, examples excited exclusively exists expect experience explicitly exposed exposure extent extra eye face faced. fact fact, fact. faeces fallacies falls families family family. fancy far father favorite fed fellow felt festival few fictional field. fields figure filled finally find fined firm first focuses focusses following follows food for forced formed foundation four free freedom friends friends. friendship from fulfilled full fundamental future gain gained gains generation generations generations. gets girls given gives glimmer glimpse go goes good goodwill government government. government’s grandmother gravity grazing grazing. greatly grievances gross ground grounded growing had hand hand, hand. happen happen. happened happenings harsh has hates have have, having he hearing. hegemony helped helps her here here. hiding, high-handedness higher highly him him. himself himself, hinges hints his hold home. hood hope hoped hopes horrific house, how human humans humans. humiliating hungry hungry. husband hygiene. identity if impending implicit importance important impregnable. in inching incident incident, incident. incidents inculcate inculcated indebted. independence influence inhabited injustice innate insistence, instances interest intertwined intervention intimacy intimate into into, irks irresponsibility is issues it it. its job job. jobs journey joys keep key kids labor, land lap large larger lays lead leave left level leverages levied life life. lights limit limit, line link little live live. lived lives living locale long looked lose loses lost, made mainly maintenance make makes making man man. manages many master master, master-servant master. masters masters. master’s matter matters matured member men mention mentioned mentions met meted metric mind mind-numbing mistake mistake, mistakes. moment, money more most mother. motherly mouth, movement much muscle must nature near need needs neighbors neighbouring never new newfound next nights no norm. not nothing noting novel now nuclearization object objections obligation obstacles occurs occurs: of off old on on- once one only onwards open opening opportunities opts or orchestrated order other others, out outside over overhaul own parents part parts path pattern peaceful peacefully people people, period permission person personal phases physical physically picture place placed plants platform play plays plot point portrayal portrays possible possible. possibly post-graduate poverty power power. pp. practical. precedence previous previously pride prime prioritize privy proactiveness problem progresses. proper properties prosperity protection provide provides proximity punish punishment punishment. punishments. purpose putting quasi-motherly quite quo railways rapidly rarely rather reader readers reality reality. reason reason. reasoned reasoning, reasons recover reduced reduces refusal relate relationship relationships release remembered reply resilience resilience. respect responsibilities, revolution revolution. revolves right rights, role run rupees rut” same satisfied saved says scenario schedule scope scot-free. searching second sections see seeds seem seems seen sees sense senses. series servant servants servants, servants. serve service serving set she sheep should show show. showed showing shows siblings side siding signal sit situation skeptical skepticism skillful slave slight slowly small smeared society society. sole somewhat son son. speak speaks spent squarely stall stark start starting starts status stays steadfast stealing step step, story story. strong, struggles stuck studies. subtly suffered sufferings suggests sum superstitions supervise support supposed sure surely surroundings survival sworn system take takes taking talk talking talks tea telling tells temple than that the theatre their them them. themselves themselves, then there there. thereby therefore these they thinking third this this. those though thought three through through. throughout throughout, tied till time time. times times, tiny titled to torture towards town town. track transition tread treat treatment tries trivial truest trumps turns two typical under understands unique unlikely untouchability untouchable untouchables unusual up up. upkeep upon upon. upper upside us use used using valuable various vent very vicious village village. villages villages. virtue vivid waiting wants was way way. ways we well well-being were what when where wherein whether which while whims who whom whose wife. will wings wisely. with with. without word work worked works world world, worsen worst worth would writes writings written year year. years you young “stuck “there

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Seasons of the Palm is a fictional novel set in Kongunadu (western Tamil Nadu) describing the day to day lives and struggles of a Dalit untouchable boy, Shorty, and his friends. The story revolves around the economy of bonded labor, wherein young boys and girls are forced to work in the fields of the upper caste-the Gounders, to whom the parents of these children are indebted. All dealings between these people are done by word of mouth, thereby a firm contractual obligation is never arrived upon and is left to the whims and fancy of the master