Democracy has become a dominant form of the government, that using in many countries. Democracy Is A Government form, which is the citizen should have a decision to vote their leader directly for thei
Democracy has become a dominant form of the government, that using in many countries. Democracy Is A Government form, which is the citizen should have a decision to vote their leader directly for thei
"What 09 1. 2. 2012 2012. 44th 4th <>. A All America America, America. American Analyzing Barrack But Democracy Democracy? Democracy?" Ellen. Even Everybody Example: For Forward, Four Further, Furthermore, Government Grigsby, Hereafter, In Indonesia, Is John McCain Mitt Nov. Obama Obama. Official One Politics. Reference: Romney State That The Then They This United Web. What Which White With a about adhered advance.” affordable against ago, all allows also also, always an anarchy, and any are as association at based be because become being better between big black, both break breaking businessman but by can candidates cannot change changes choose citizen citizen, citizen. citizens citizens, citizens. class class. combine concept concept, concept. control corruption corruption, countries. country country, country. criminal, culture culture; decide decision decision, democracy depends develop difference different directly divide do dominant done each easier ed. elect elected election election, equal equal, equality equality, equality. established even everybody everything everything; everywhere example example: except excuse first follows for form form, form. forms four free freedom freedom. from front future, get go good government government, government. government.” grafts groups has have having he help how human idea ideas if important important. improve in individuals.” is issue issues it it, it. jail. keep king. law law, law. leader leader, leader. least life like like. limits listen listening live living look lower maintains majority make many matter maximum may mentally. middle minority money money, move murderer must name need needs next no not obedient of official on one only opinion opinion, or order order, other other. own participate participation parties. party peaceful, people physically plans poor possible power practice president presidential problem problem, problem. problems. project projects. prosecuted protects public public. put religion, religion. respect respectful right rights rule rule. safe; safer same, sanction second see self self. she should side speech survive system take talk taxed teach than that the their them then these they thing, though though, time to to. together together. tolerant totally under use useful using very views vote was ways. were what whatever where which while who will willing win with without won work work. works world worship wrong years “Democracy “No “The
Democracy has become a dominant form of the government, that using in many countries. Democracy Is A Government form, which is the citizen should have a decision to vote their leader directly for their own country or elect the leader for the other problems. Democracy can develop it, if the majority and the minority party or the association willing works together. Which is everybody can talk and have an opinion, then will put all idea together and take a better decision for the problem.