Cellphones Should Be Banned in Schools Should students be allowed to use their cellphones in schools? In the article, “Should Kids Have a Cellphone in School”, Edward C. Baig presents the debate on
Cellphones Should Be Banned in Schools Should students be allowed to use their cellphones in schools? In the article, “Should Kids Have a Cellphone in School”, Edward C. Baig presents the debate on
(Baig 12). 23). 24). 27). Also, Although, As Baig Banned Be Because Both Bullying But C. Cellphone Cellphones Children Edward Even Facebook First, For Have However, I If In Kids Nowadays, Para Para22). Parents People Schools School”, Should Some The These This Twitter. When With a accident addicted addition, address adults affect affects afraid after agree alert all allowed already also an and answers any are article article, as ask asked assailant at attention author away back. bad ban banned banning be because been being believe brain. building, bullied bullies bullying bunch by can can’t case caught. cause causing cell cellphone cellphones cellphones, cellphones. children children’s class class. communication compare concerns conclusion, copy could creates creating cyberbullying danger. day deal debate decreased, device devices directions. directly disagree distracted distracted, distracted. distraction distraction, distraction. do don’t during easily easy elementary emergencies emergency emergency, emergency. enable enabling every everyone’s example, exist. explains feelings. fifth fighting finish fire focus follow following for from games get getting given go going grade, grades. habits habits, happening, has have health hiding” hours. hurt if in incident, instances instead intended interrupted is issues issues, it just keep keeps kid kids kids, kids. kids’ learning. lesson, lessons. let lets like lock lot made magnifies main make manage may means media might my need negatively new not now of often on or other others others. out own parents parents. parent” pay people percent permitted phone phones phones, phones. pick pictures playing points popular positive posting presence presents problem problems puts quiet, quotes reason reason. reasons, regularly reported right ringing rings risk rules, rules. safe safety safety. say say, saying says says, school school. schools schools. schools? school” search seeing set shooter shooter, should shouldn’t show so social some spans specific still stop straight students students’ subject sure taken targets teacher teachers teacher’s that the their them there there’s they this though, time to touch tragic up use using vibrating victims. video want was weapon website well when where whether which who why will with without won’t work. worries worse would “75 “Safety “Should “The “When …”
Cellphones Should Be Banned in Schools
Should students be allowed to use their cellphones in schools? In the article, “Should Kids Have a Cellphone in School”, Edward C. Baig presents the debate on whether schools should ban cellphones. People who agree with banning cellphones say they affect children’s focus on learning. Also, kids are getting addicted to using their cellphones, which affects their brain. The author also explains why people disagree with banning cellphones. Children need cellphones in case of