Are black people in America treated fairly? No, black people are not treated fairly in America. Why? The reason being that they are racially profiled and treated like they are less valuable than other

Are black people in America treated fairly? No, black people are not treated fairly in America. Why? The reason being that they are racially profiled and treated like they are less valuable than other


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Are black people in America treated fairly? No, black people are not treated fairly in America. Why? The reason being that they are racially profiled and treated like they are less valuable than others. What is racial profiling? Racial profiling is the use of race or ethnicity as grounds for suspecting someone for committing a crime. This social injustice is an underrated inequality that happens all around the world. Right now, racial profiling is illegal, but it still happens today (ACLU). You can find people judging others based on their skin color in ordinary