Philosophy EssayPyrrha’s form of skepticism was very extreme. Unlike the academic skeptics who believed that we had very minimal, if any, knowledge, Pyrrha rejected the notion that anyone could be con

Philosophy EssayPyrrha’s form of skepticism was very extreme. Unlike the academic skeptics who believed that we had very minimal, if any, knowledge, Pyrrha rejected the notion that anyone could be con


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Pyrrha’s form of skepticism was very extreme. Unlike the academic skeptics who believed that we had very minimal, if any, knowledge, Pyrrha rejected the notion that anyone could be confident in anything, and that to assert that confidence without being able to substantiate the claim was dogmatic. In order to reconcile his inability to believe that anything actually existed with day-to-day living, Pyrrho advocated a suspension of judgment called epoché. Suspension of judgment was one of three options Pyrrho thought we had when presented with information, the other two of which were the choice to believe it or disbelieve it