
AND Americans As Buddhism, Christian Christianity Christians Church. Critical Do For Further God. How I In It LOGIC Logically, My OF On PERCEPTION The Think Thinking Using View When You a able about accept accident. accidents accurate all also alternate am an and answer are arrive as assume awareness backed background because been before began behavior. behind being belief, belief. beliefs beliefs. better blocks brain but by can child choices choices, choices. clearer closed closures come comfortable commute. critical cultures, daily day decide decision decision. decisions deeper detail details developed different discover discovered discussions do due dug enculturation enculturation. end enhance entirety environments. etc. examined examining except exhaled existence existence. exposed exposure fair father fed feel final find five for form four friends from further gain gained get getting go grandparents great great, growing had has have heading hear hour how huge ideas. impact important in individuals influenced instance, into investigating is it it. its know knowledge, late lead life. logic logically long made make makes making matter may me mention met mis more morning mother multiple my nature never news no not now o of on one only or other our out outcomes, outcomes. paper, parents parents. parent’s particular passed people perceive perceptual possible process produce punctually reasoning reasoning. relate relates religion. religions religious reporter research result, results. revealed reviewed road route routes safely. severely sheltered situation situation, situations six so some sources speak spend studied teens than that the their there they think thinking thinking, thinking? this thought thoughts thoughts, three through time time. to tractor-trailer tradition, traffic transferred truth twNATURE two understand understanding understanding. understood until up up, update using verbally view views. was watch way ways were what when where who will with work written you you. your

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Think about it. How important is thinking? Americans spend all of their day thinking and mis thinking of multiple decisions and ideas. Thinking is an important process of how our thoughts, when transferred verbally or written on paper, can produce a clearer understanding of our views. The nature of logic as it relates to critical thinking, and my perceptual process have been influenced through sources of enculturation

The nature of logic as understood is when you have a situation, belief, tradition, etc. that is examined and reviewed in great detail to discover the reasoning behind a behavior. Critical thinking as I understand it is when you view a situation in multiple ways to get a accurate answer or results. The nature of logic relates to critical thinking by examining the situation and thoughts to get a clearer decision of possible outcomes, or reasoning.