( ALGEBRA AND Algebra Algebra. Also, Another As At Because CPALMS CPALMS’ Coral During ELL ESE Each Every FOR Florida Foiling. For High I If In It Lesson METHODS Mainly, Most My One Park Professional Scaffolding Senior Some Students TECHNIQUES TOOLS The There These This Throughout When a abilities about accommodations accurately actions activate activities activities, activity activity. add adding additional again, all allowed also alternative alternative. among an and answers anticipatory any applications apply approach approach, are area. areas as asking aspects assessment assessments assessments, assessments. assignment assignments assignments, assignments. assumed at be because become before beginning believe benefited better between bilingual binomials board board, both box build building but by can candy cannot capable central certain chalk choice chose chosen class class. classes classes, classroom classwork classwork. coefficients, cognitive color-code come comfortability coming common component concept concept, concepts concepts, concepts. connected connections connections. connects constants, contains cooperative correct correlate created creating creative critical debates decisions deeper demonstrate demonstrating detail dictionary, did different difficulties dig direct direction. directly discuss discussion discussions discussions. disparities diverse do doing down during each education. effectively effectively. either eliminating emphasizing encountered encourage encouraged. encourages engaged. engaging engendered enlarge entries entry environment equations equations, equations. equitable especially etc. example example, examples exams excel expectations explain explaining exponents extrinsic fact factor factoring feedback field finding focus following following: for forms from fully fun functions functions, functions. fundamental further game games gave get gives graphing group had has have having he heavily high higher home homework homework. how idea ideas ideas, ideas. if implementation implemented importance in include included including inclusion incorporating increasing instills instruction interconnect interest interested internet into involved involving is it journal judgment key kindling kinesthetic knowledge language, learn learned learners. learning learning. lecture lectures lesson lesson, lesson. lessons lessons. life life, life-long like linking logic logic, made make makes making many master master. mastery mathematical mathematics mathematics. me mentioned met method, methods minimum modalities modified modify more most motivate motivated motivation multiply must my native necessary need needed needs needs. new newer next. not novel numerous objectives observed of old on one ones, operations opportunity options or order other other, out outside overhead overnight. own. participate pass perfect personal philosophy pick picking plan plan, planned plans plans, plans. pointed polynomials. practice pragmatic pre-service previous primarily principal principle print prior priority prize. problem problem-based problem-solving problems professional proficiency progress projector proper properties question: questions quiz quizzes radical raise ranging rare re-take reads real real-life reality realized reason regarding relied rely remediate remediation remediation. remind require required requirement resources rest rewards right rubric rubrics satisfy scaffolding, scenarios school. schools scope see select self-interest send sequence sets she showing significant since site situations skill skills so solve solved solving solving, solving. some sort source sources spending standard standards state step steps still strategies strategy strengths stress struggling, student student-centered students students, students. student’s subject subject. subject? subjects successful successfully such supposed surprisingly take taking target taught teach teach. teacher teacher, teacher’s teaching technology tell terminology textbook that the their them them. thematic then there these they think thinking, this those through time time, times, to top topics traditional trips two type types understand understanding understood unit, universal up use used using utilize utilized utilizing video. vital want was ways weakness. wealth website well were what when where whether which will win with working works would write “FOIL”
Throughout my thematic unit, the chosen universal subject is Algebra. Because many subjects in mathematics correlate and interconnect among each other, the choice to select Algebra was both for the numerous and diverse pragmatic applications to real life situations and my personal high proficiency and comfortability with the subject. As a teacher, it is vital to fully understand a subject that he or she is teaching to students. In the thematic unit, I chose lessons in which students will build connections with previous concepts to master novel mathematical ideas. For example, before students were taught how to multiply binomials using the “FOIL” method, they were taught the properties of exponents and steps to factor polynomials. Also, students can make connections in the lesson on solving radical equations by understanding previous topics such as properties of exponents and solving two step equations. This scope and sequence is fundamental in scaffolding, linking old and new ideas, and understanding mathematics.
At times, the standards did not include these types of connections that are necessary for students to understand prior concepts to new ones, especially those that require remediation. Professional judgment from the teacher is required in making decisions on whether to add old concepts into the lesson plan in order to encourage students to make these connections or remediate these concepts in order to understand newer ideas. For example, the lesson on solving radical equations assumed that students understood the order of operations and certain mathematical terminology like coefficients, constants, etc. but the reality is that some students did not understand these concepts. It