"do" & (or - / 1710 584 A AND Abelard Aesthetics Also Analytic And Applied Aquinas Arguments Aristotle Aristotle, Art As Aside Augustine Augustine. B.C. Belief Both Branches Celestial Challenges Characteristics Christian Commonalities Concepts Conclusions Covers Critical DEFINITION Distinction Diversity Do Does Eastern Education Empedocles Epistemologists Epistemology Ethics Evil Existence First First, German God God: God? Gottfried Greece, Greek Hence, His History History. How How, I If Immanuel In Investigates Involves Is Issues It Its Just Justification Kant Kingdom Knowledge Knowledge, Language Law Leibniz. Logic Main Meta-ethics Metaphysical Metaphysics Metaphysics. Methods Mind Miracles Must Normative OF Objects Of One Other PHILOSOPHY Peter Philia Philosophers Philosophy Plato Plato, Plato’s Pneumatology, Politics Problems Procedure Psychology Pythagoras, Rational Reality Religion Religious Republic. Science Science’ Second Second, Six Social Socrates, Some Sophia St. Study Subfields Suffering Takes The Theodicy Theodicy. Theories These This Thomas Those Three Thus Thus, To Truth Ultimate We Western What Wolff’s a a) a. ability abortion, about about. abstract academic accomplishments achieving acquire action actions actions, activity address addresses adequate adherents. adjudicate advocated aesthetic aesthetics after against agnostics, aim aims, aims. all all? allows also among an analyses analysis analytic analytical ancient and and, another, answer answering, answers appeal application, applied apply appreciation are are, area area-studies, areas areas: arguing arguments, arising arm, arm? arrive arrived art art, articles artistic as as, as: ask asking, asks assumptions, at atheists. attains attempt attempted attempts attitudes, authority: available. b) b. bad basic be beauty, beauty. because become been befriend” behavior behavior. being, beings belief, belief. beliefs beliefs, beliefs. believe believe; believers best between biology biology, body born both brain branch branches broad broadly but by c) c. called can cannot can’t capital case categories categories. causally causes chemistry? chiefly clarifies classify, cluster code cognition, coherent coined combined come comprehensive comprise concepts concepts, conceptual concern concerned concerns conclusion, conclusion. conduct. confirmed conflict connected connections consequences considered constitute constitution contemplation continental contributed controversial copy. core corrupt course, creation critical critique crystallization cultivated d) data. deals debates defending, defined derived describe described descriptive desire, determine developments develops dialectic difference differentiates discipline discipline. disciplines distinguished diverse divided dividing division do does dogma done don’t. draws duties, e) each economics, education education. education: efficacious elaboration element: elements, emerged emotion, emotions? employs endeavor enforcement engaged enhancing enough enter epistemology epistemology, epistemology. equally especially essence essential ethical ethics ethics, ethics. evaluate evaluative, even events events? evidence. evidence; evil examination examines examining example exist? existence experience, experience. experiential, explain explained explanations explanations, explores exploring expression. expressions extent f) facts fails faith, faith. fall: falls false. feeling, feminist field fields, first five focus focuses following for forces formation forms forms, forms. foundations foundations, founding four free? freedom, from from, fundamental further, general general. generated given good good? goodness government greatest grounds guided habit habits, has have having help his historical historiography. history history, homosexuality. hood how human humans. hypothesis ideal if immortality implications important improve in includes including increase individual inference influenced influential inherent inquiry inquiry. instance, instead, institutions. instructional instrumentality. instruments intentions into invalid inventions, investigate, investigates investigation involve involves is issues issues, it it. it: its judgments jurisprudence jurisprudence, jurisprudence. justice, justification justification. kind know know? knowing knowledge knowledge, knowledge. knowledge; known knows, largest law law, law. laws, learnt legal legitimate. liberty, life life’s like like? live, logic logical look love love” main major make makes making many matter matter, matter. may mean mean. meaning means measurable measured. mental mere merely merit meta-ethics, metaphysical metaphysics, metaphysics. metaphysics” method method. methods methods, might mind mind, mistaken moral morality more most movements, much natural nature nature, nature. ne necessary needed, no normative normative, norms, not notions number oMEANING obey objective objects obligations observation observation, obtained of of, offer oldest on one only ontology open or order, ordinary other other. others others. others? otherwise our overlaps part particular passion, past past, patterns people perfect perpetually personality, phenomena. philosopher philosophers philosophers. philosophical philosophizing. philosophy philosophy) philosophy, philosophy. physical physical, physics, pinnacle politics, possible practical practice, practice. practices prescriptive prescriptive. principle principles principles. priori probably problem problems problems. proceeds process produce property, proponent prove proven, providing psychology psychology, punishment. punishments purpose pursuit pursuits. quest quest. questions questions. raised raises raising random range rather rational rational. rationality. reality. really realms: reason reasoning reasoning. recently recommending reconcile reconstruction reflection reflection. regard regulate rejects related relates relations relationship relationships relevant religion religion. religion: religious require required requires resolve respect respects. restrictions result results right right? rights, rising rules. sages same same. sanctification say science science, science. science? sciences sciences. sciences? scientific scientifically seek seeks seeming sensation, sensory sensory-emotional sentiments set should similar six skeptics skills so social sociology, solving some someone something something? sometimes sort soul soul. specific speculation spirit standards stands starts stock structure studies study study. subfield subject subject-matter subjective? success successfully such sufficient supported system systematic systematically systematizing, systems task task, tasks, taste, taste. term terms, testimony than that the their them themselves themselves, then, theology theology, theoretical theories theories; theorist theory: they thing thing, things things. things; thinkers, this those three through to today tools topics tradition. traditional traditionally traditions, treat true true, truth truth, truth. truths try trying two ultimate under understand understanding undertake unique unknown unquestionable up us use uses usually utilizes valid value values, variety various vision want was way we we, well what when where whether which while who why will, wisdom”. with within words, world world. would wrong year yielded you – “Philosophy” “special “the “to “wisdom.”
The term “Philosophy” is derived from two Greek words, Philia meaning “to love” or “to befriend” and, Sophia meaning “wisdom.” Thus, philosophy, means “the love of wisdom”. It was coined by Pythagoras, one of the sages of ancient Greece, born about the year 584 B.C. Philosophy is an activity people undertake when they seek to understand fundamental truths about themselves, the world in which they live, and their relationships to the world and to each other. As an academic discipline philosophy is much the same. Those who study philosophy are perpetually engaged in asking, answering, and arguing for their answers to life’s most basic questions. To make such a pursuit more systematic academic philosophy is traditionally divided into major areas of study.
Characteristics of Philosophy
Philosophy is distinguished from theology in that philosophy rejects dogma and deals with speculation rather than faith. Covers areas of inquiry where no facts as such are available. Philosophy attains knowledge, not by making use of the principles or articles of faith, but by the use of the principle of natural cognition, which may be obtained from the investigation of nature and the natural study of things.