(2005). (2009). (2011). (2013). (BIOLOGY, (Rutherford, (Verma, , 10 11(12), 1389-1390. 1869, 1919. 1944 2 2011) 2011). 2015, 2017) 2019). 25 274-288. 278(2), 2nd 3(3), 321. 60 A A, A. A., Adam Agrahari, Apart As Avery, BIOLOGY BIOLOGY, BIOTECHNOLOGY Because BioallSci, Biol, Biologists Biology Biology. Biotech Biotechnology But But, By C, C. CELL, Cell Communication Concentrating Conferring Consideration Conway, Crick Currently, Customers DISCOVERIES DNA DNA, DNA. DNA’s Dahm, Developmental E, E. Engineer, Erkey, Experiments Finally For Forensic Frankenstein Frankenstein, Friedrich Gordon Guardian. Having He However, Hungarian IN If In India. Inside It Its J Karl Keith Later Louis MODERN Many March Matthias McCarty Meanwhile Miescher Miescher. Moreover, Nat Nature Neither New Nodding Nonetheless Novel One Or Over Pasteur Pharm Porter Progresses R. RNA RNAs RNAs. Rastogi, Reasonably, References Retrieved Rockefeller Rudolph Rutherford, Rutherford. 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BIOLOGY is a major branch of science that deals with the living organisms. Many discoveries are emerged in this area and the focus of this paper is on major discoveries of modern biology in the field of DNA, biotechnology, and cell biology.
Cell Biology
Nature Cell Biology was proposed 10 years ago to give an opportunity to “raise the discussion of ideas between all parts of cell biology”. Cell biology is the investigation of cell structure and function, and it rotates around the idea that the cell is the essential unit of life. Concentrating on the cell permits a thorough understanding of the organism’s tissues that cells compose. As cell and developmental biologists have stimulated to divide biological procedures at the molecular and cellular level, so