"Antikythera "Pascaline" "difference "knows" 'Computer ("few (0 (13 (175 (1945 (1955 (1965 (87 (Analog (Control (Electronic (Formula (IAS (Integrated (MIT) (Reduced (Selective (Transistorized (in (nowadays (otherwise (record) (retrieve) (such * + - /360 /Notebook /PDAs: 0 0s 1 1) 10. 1000 1100 1101(from 13-bit 14-bit 1400 1492 16. 1623 1630 1642 1673 1723 175 1786 1801 1820 1822 1855 1876 1881, 1884-1887 1890 1897. 1900 1912 1927 1941 1941) 1943, 1945, 1946, 1954, 1955) 1960 1965) 1980) 1s. 2 200 3 30 3043 4 4004, 5 6 604, 60s 650, 66 6600. 7 701, 702. 709, 77, 8080, 8086, 8088. 87 A AI AIRPORTS ALGOL, AND AREAS Accounting Alexander Although An Analog Apple Architecture As Automatic BANK BASIC BC- BC. BCPL, BSD Babbage Babbage. Batch Because Binary Blaise British Bush But By CAPABILITIES CATEGORIES CD CD, CDC CDC's CDs. CLASSIFICATION COBOL. COMMUNICATIONS COMPUTER COMPUTER: COMUNICATION CPU Calculator, Calculators, Census Charles Chebyshev Christian Circuits Circuits) Colossus Columns Company, Computer Computer) Computer), Computer/Digital Computer: Computers Computers) Corporation) Cyber- DATA DATA/INFORMATION DEFENCE DESIGNING DVD Data Decimal Delamaine Desktop Diary Digital Digital) Discrete Disk Do Drive EDUCATION EDVAC ELEMENTS ENIAC ENTERTAINMENT Eckert Edward Electronic English Even Examples FORTRAN FORTRAN, Fails', Finally, First First: For Fourth Frenchman From Generation Generation: George German Gersten Gottfried Government. Greece HARDWARE HISTORY HOSPITALS Hard Hexadecimal Highly Hollerith However, Hybrid IBM IBM. ICs II, III, INFORMATION IT Improvement In Input Inside Institute Instruction Integrated Integration Integrator Intel Is It It's Jacquard Johann Joseph Kalmar. Key Konrad Krylov. LIMITATION Laptop Large Later Leibniz Leibniz, Leonardo Like Ludwig MARK MVS, Macintosh, Mainframe Manual Many Marie Massachusetts Mauchley Means Mechanical Micro-computers Micro-computers. Mini Mini-computers. Monitor Mouse Muller Multiprogramming NEAC NEC), NUMBER Nearly Neumann Number Numerical OF OFFICE OS, OSes Octal On One Other Output PARTS PASCAL, PCs PDC PDP PEOPLE PROCEDURES PROCESSING PROCESSING: Palmtop Palmtops Pascal Professor Progress RAILWAY RISC Refers Richard Russia Russian SEQUEL SHRDLU, SOFTWARE SQL) SSEC STAR STATIONS SYSTEM SYTEM: Scale Scheutz Schickard, Second Second: Secondly, Sequence Set Some Speeds Stockholm Students Super Supercomputers Superscalar System TECHNOLOGY: TX-0 TX2, TYPES Technology The These They Third Third: Thirdly, This Thomas Thus, Transistors Translator) Tuebingen, U.S. UNIVAC, UNIX USES Unit University Until User Using Usually VLSI VSLI Variable Venivarom Very Vinci Von Whether While Wilhelm With Words XX Your Z2, Z3, Z4, Zero Zuse [3] a about absolutely accept account accuracy accurate accurate, achievements activities activity activity; actual ada, adder adding addition addition, addresses adopt advertisement, affected after again, airplanes. all all. allowed almost also amount amounts an analog analysis analyze and animated animation another. answer answers any applications applications. are are: arithmetic arithmetical arrival as asIBM aspect assembly associated astronomer, astronomical at attached automation, available available. average bank banks base base-10 base-16 based basis basis. be became because become becoming been began being being, belongs below between big binary bit blurred, board bookings. books, bored, both bottom box break broad brothers build, builds built but by calculate calculated calculation calculations calculations, calculations. calculator calculator) calculator. calculators, called can cannot capabilities capability capable capacity cards cards. careless. cartoon cash. central century, certain championship chance cheque. chip. chips circular class classes cm coding/programming, collect, colors. column combination come commanders commercial commonly communication communications, comparable complete completed. complex components computer computer's computer, computer. computers computers, computers. computing confirmed. connected considerably considered. console constructed contain continuous contrast, control) controlled controlling conversion, core cores correctness cost costly could counted create created creates criminals. cylinders da daily data data, data. de decade, decimal decimals. decision decision-making decreased deductions. defense. defined density departure design, designing desk. desktop desyatizubtsovymi details, developed developed. developing development device device. devices devices. diameter), diaries difference different differential digital digits, directed directions. directly disk disk, disks displays distinction distributed division division, do do. doctors documents, does doing done down dozens drawings drawings. drive drive, drives drop drum/tapes due during dynamic e-mails each easily. effective eight electric electrical, electronic employed employee employees. energy engine engine" engineer enormous enough envisaged equations equipment equipped era. error error. especially establishing etc etc. even event eventually ever every everyday everything example) example, examples execute expensive experimental exploration. extremely fabrication fact, fails, fall famous fast faster fastest fault feasible ferrite few fifth files. films. find first fit five flexibility. fluid following for for... forecasting form form, forward four fourth frequently friendly from front functions. games, gap gear gears, general, general-purpose generally generation generations generations. giving got gradually graphics, graphics. greatest hand-sized hand. hard has have having he headlines heavy height help helped hence her here, hexadecimal hierarchy high him his his/ hold holders. holding horizontal hospital. hours hours") how however however, human hundreds hybrid hydraulic id idea immense implementation implemented important in include includes increased incremental individual information information, information. input input, input-output input. inputting inside instance, instances insurance, integrated integration intelligent intermediary into introduced introduced. intuition. invented, invented. invention inventor, involve is is, it it's items its itself itself. job just keeping kept keyboard keyboard. keys keys. kinds knowledge known known, language languages large larger lasers later latter launching leads learn, least left less letters letters, level lie life life. like limitations limited lines links listening little located logarithms, logical long look loom machine machine). machine. machines machines, machines. made magazines, magnetic main mainframe mainframe, mainframe. mainframes mainframes. mainly major making malfunction man-made management, manipulate manual. many market. massive mathematical mathematician mathematician. matter may meaning means mechanical mechanical, mechanism" medical memories. memory memory, memory. method method. methodologies mice micro-computer, micro-computers micro-mini microprocessor microprocessor, microprocessors mid military millions minicomputer minicomputers minute missiles model modem modern monitor more most motion mouse mouse. moved moves movies movies. moving much multimedia, multiple multiplication multiplication, multiplying multiprocessing music must need needs network networked neural never newer newspaper newspapers, no normally not notebook nothing, nuclear number numbers numbers, numbers. numeric oblong, obsolete. octal of offers office on once one oneComputer only onto operated operating operation operations operations, operations. optimizing or order ordinary organize other out output outputting over own passengers. past patients payroll payroll, payroll. pension people per perform performance performing performs person personal petroleum phenomena philosopher physical pictures. place, placed places. platter platters playing point portable portion position possess possessed possessing possibility power power, powerful prepared present present) previous price, primary print printed private problem problems proceed process process, processes, processing processors, produce produced producing production program programmed programmer. programming programming. programs programs. project prototype prototypical published punched put puts pyatirazryadnye qualities quantities quite rapid rate, rate. rates. rather re-established read reality reasons recognized recognized, record records rectangular referred regarding reject reliable repaired. repeat, repeating repetitive replaced represent representation representations represented represents require required requires research, resembles reservations retrieval, rigid rings. rule. runs same satellites. schools scientist screen screen, screen. second secondary secret seen select semiconductor sending series series, serve serves set setup seven shapes, should show shown signals. silicon similar simple simulations. simultaneous simultaneously. single six six-digit size size, sized sketch skilled slide small small, smaller smaller, so soldiers solve solved solving some someone sometimes sophisticated special specialized specified speed spite stack stage. started starts step stepped still storage storage, store stored stores storing subtraction subtraction. subtracts successfully. successive such suddenly sufficient summarized summing super supercomputer. supercomputers supercomputers. support supporting surface. system system, system. systems tabulate tabulating tail. task tasks tax teaching technology telecommunications television ten tens. terminal terminals) terminals. terms, tests. text than that the theatre their these they things third this thoroughly those thousands three through ticket time time. times times, timings tired, to to. today told too tools, top, trains transfer transferring transistors tubes two type types typewriter, typical typing unable under underneath understood. unemployment unit unit. university unlike up usage use used usefulness users uses using usually vacuum value value. values various version vertical very virtual visual wage was watches, watching way ways, we weather well. were what whatever when which which, why widely will wire wireless with without word work workable. worked, working workstations workstations. write years yet your
Computer 3043 Words
INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY: Set of tools, processes, and methodologies (such as coding/programming, data communications, data conversion, storage and retrieval, systems analysis and design, systems control) and associated equipment employed to collect, process, and present information. In broad terms, IT also includes office automation, multimedia, and telecommunications AREAS AND USES OF COMPUTER: * EDUCATION Computers are used in schools for teaching Computers are used for...
Set of tools, processes, and methodologies (such as coding/programming, data communications, data conversion, storage and retrieval, systems analysis and design, systems control) and associated equipment employed to collect, process, and present information. In broad terms, IT also includes office automation, multimedia, and telecommunications
* EDUCATION Computers are used in schools for teaching Computers are used for mathematical calculation Students can do their work by using computer * BANK Computers are used in banks for storing information about different account holders. Computers help in keeping a record of the cash. Computers help in giving all kinds of information regarding any account in the bank * ENTERTAINMENT Computers are used for playing games, listening to music and watching movies. Computers are used for making cartoon movies and animation films. Computers are used for making drawings. * RAILWAY STATIONS and AIRPORTS Computers help in giving information about ticket reservations and bookings. Computers help in giving information about the arrival and departure timings of trains and airplanes. Computers help in keeping records of all the passengers. * OFFICE Computers are used to type and print documents, letters, etc. Computers help in keeping records of office employees. Computers help in sending e-mails * HOSPITALS computers help in keeping records of all the patients in hospital. Computer help doctors in controlling operation theatre machines. Computer help in doing a number of medical tests. * DEFENCE Computer help in launching of missiles id defense. Computer help in keeping records of criminals. Computer help in controlling their functions. Computer help in establishing communication links between the soldiers and their commanders through satellites. * DESIGNING Computer help in designing magazines, newspapers, books, advertisement, etc.
* Zero Generation (87 BC- 1941)