
"Interest "ripe" "scientists", (Australia (Canada (Certified (International (United (international 1.ACCA 2.AIA 3.CGA 4.CMA 5.ASCPA 6.CPA A ACCOUNTANT AIA Accountant) Accountant). Accountants Accounting Act, After Although And Association Association) BE Because But By CPA China, Due During Finally, First GOOD Highly I If In Kingdom Made Management My Now Organization's Public Second Sense States TO Tax The There Third To University, University: We What When With a abilities, ability ability, able about accelerating accept accepted account accountant accountant, accountants accounting accounting, accounting. accounts, accumulated accurate accurate. achieve achieve, achieved achievements action actors, adapt addition adequate advantages after agents. all also always am an and answer answer. applied appropriate are area areas, articles, as asked aspirations. assessment assets, astronauts, at auditing, based basic be be? because become began being believed believes benefits best better between books books, boys bringing business businesses busy, but by can capacity capacity, career career, careful carefully certain certificate certificate) certificate, certificate. certificate: certification certification) change character choice choose class clear closely college comparison competent complete complex concession confidence, confused, consulting, continued continuous continuously contribution core cost cost. costs courses, danger, date. day day, deal decided degrees demand, details determined determines development devotion different difficult digital digital, do do, down dry due duties easy. economic economics economy educations effective eligibility employment endeavor energy engaged entered enterprise enterprise, enterprises enterprises, entrusts, equality establish etc., evaluation every everything, exactly exam examination examination) exercise experience experience, expertise expertise, face factor. factors, familiarity family feel feeling. field figures figures, finance financial financing; find first five flexible focus for forward foundation, four free freshman freshness, fully further future future. gave getting girls give globalization, go goals. good good, graduate: graduation graduation. great grow guarantee handling hard has have help high higher higher, higher-income, highest his honesty, hours, idea idea. ideal if impartiality, important improve in in-depth increase increased increasingly influence information information, interest international internships, interpersonal into introvert, investment is issue it items, its job job. journalists, junior kind knowledge knowledge, law, law. laws leader. learning learning, learning. legal let level level, level. linked loaded logic logical long long. lot lot, lots love lower lowest made main maintain make making management management, many market marketing master's mathematics me me, me? men methods middle money, more must my myself myself, national nature ne necessary necessary, need needs no not now number numbers numbers, nurturing oHOW objective objectively objectivity occupation, of officers often on on. one only options or order own parents participation party pass patient, pay people period personal personnel personnel, plans, plans: point policies, possess possible power. practical practice practitioners prepare prepared prepared, pressure process process, processes, processing profession, professional profit profits, progress, proposals proposals, prospects prospects. protection. provides purpose pushed put qualification quality quality, quickly range rationalization read realize reasonable reasons: recognized. recommendations, reflect regions, registered regular regulations regulations, related relatively relevant request required requirements requirements: research respect responsibility responsibility, responsible restrictions, results revenue rigorous rigorous, satisfactory savings, school, scientists, second seen select selection selection, semester senior sense sensible sensitive service. several sharpening, shortage should six skills so social some someone sophomore special specializing specific stable, staff staff, started statements, statistical stick still strengthen strict strong strongly students, subjects successfully such suitable support survival system talent, talked target target. tax teacher", team, technical technical, technology test that the the, their them themselves there these they think thinking third this thought three threshold through time time, timely to towards training trivial two under understanding understanding, undertake units units. up up, valuable. value. vary very views, vocational want wanted was ways we well, went what when which wide will with women work work, working working, workout. would year, years yields you your

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When someone asked me what you want to do when you grow up, I will always answer "scientists", but what is that what to do, I have no idea. When I went to middle high school, I believed that a wide range of scientists, I need to have a specific selection, so I wanted to do a lot of career, such as journalists, actors, astronauts, and so on. I thought about everything, but I feel that it is not possible to achieve, my future is still very long.

I also have lots of time to think about my future. When I was in high school, think all of this is very important to me, because I have to choose a college at the University, also is a selection of occupation, but at this point I am confused, what exactly suitable career for me? I also have no idea. What I want to be? I have no answer. Finally, my parents and I talked for a long time, decided to select accounting, I will be an accountant as my career aspirations. There are three