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GENETICALLY Genetic Genome Genomic GluB-1 GluB-1, GluB-1-expression Gold Goto Government, Grain Gram-negative Graminae, Harbin Health Health, HindII, HindIII HindIII, Human IAA II IN IRON Immature In Inductively Inspection Institute Institute, Interest; Iron Iron, Iron/Fe, Isolation It Its Jarvis, L, Lens, Longfu16 MET MS Measuring Medicago Methodology Mineral Molecular Morishige NT. NT: NaCl, Non-transformed. Nopaline Normal Nos-terminator; Nutrients ON Organisation, Our P1 P1-P4 P2 P4) P:positive PART PCR PCR-positive PCR. PLANTS Pazdernik Pazdernik, Plant Plants Present Protein Proteins P—positive R.D., RNA RT-PCR RT-PCR. RTs Regeneration Research Reverse SacI Science, See Seeds Skoog Sodium Specific Specifically, Standard Sucrose, T.aestivum T1 TGW TGW, Taq Tetraploid The There These They This Thousand Total Transcriptase Transformation Transformation: Transgenic Tris Tris-HCl Triticum Triticum, Tween-20. UKEssays.com Ubiquitous University Using Various Vital WHEAT Weight Western Wheat When World ZINC Zinc, Zinc/Zn) Zn [(NH4)2HPO4] [CO(NH2)2] a able above above, above. absent abundance academic according accumulation acid acid), added added. aestivum, affected after again agar. agarose agent agent, air, air; alfalfa all alleviation allow allowed allowing along already also alternately ammonium amplification amplification. amyloliquefaciens an anaemia analysed analyses analysis analysis, analysis. analysis: analysis; and and, and/or animals, annual another any applied appropriate approximately are around arranged arrows as ascertain assist at authors auxin, averaged bacteria bacterium band band, bands bar bar—selectable bases be beads because been before being belongs below between bg1II bialaphos bialaphos. bilious billion bind black blades blot blotting blotting. bodily body, bombarded bombardment bombardment), bombardment). bombardment, bombardment. both branches brand breath buffer by cDNA cDNA). cadmium calculate calculations called callus callus) callus, calories can carbon case case, cauliflower cell cell) cells cells, characterise chromosomes chromosomes, coated come) common commonly compared comparison complementary completion components comprised concentration concentrations concentrations, concentrations. condition conditions conducted consisting consists constitutive, consume consumption, contain contained containing contamination contribute control control, control. control; 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The common wheat, Triticum aestivum, belongs to the genus Triticum, and the family Graminae, or, the grass family (Canadian Food Inspection Agency, 2014). The common wheat is described to be a mid-tall annual grass consisting of flat leaf blades with a terminal floral spike (CFIA, 2014).
This spike consists of perfect flowers (male and female reproductive systems in the same flower). Culms (or stems of the plant) are comprised of five nodes with four foliage leaves, one of which, the flag leaf, subtends the inflorescence. The inflorescence consists of seed-producing flowers that contain specialised branches called spikelets (Dixon et.al., 2018). The spikelets consists of two glumes that enclose approximately nine florets and are then alternately arranged on the rachis (CFIA, 2017). Figure 1 below represents the various components of the wheat plant in detail.
T.aestivum is a hexaploid (so: AABBDD), an organism containing six sets of chromosomes, 42 in total (Australian Government, 2008). Various other wheat species contain a form of haploid with a set of seven chromosomes (CFIA, 2014).