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Moving from High School to college is often a rollercoaster on the mind of most students. After the appliance and acceptance process, we then encounter a bigger question: What will our major be? As a computer and technology lover, I had a hard time understanding and choosing between computer science and computer engineering; even though I already knew that I wanted to study computers. People often think that studying computer science is the same as studying computer engineering, but these two important fields of computing are significantly different.
I decided to start doing some research on the main differences between both and ended up realizing that I was not the only one on this dark road. Surprisingly, many other students had the same questions I had (some of them worse), so that made me feel better. I ended up choosing computer engineering with the hopes of maybe minoring in Computer Science or Software. One other reason is the fact that my sister is already a computer science undergraduate, and we don't really want two Sebastiano’s on the same field. The goal is to take over the world in the different areas! But what is the difference between both? If in fact, there is any.