Community Outreach Summary
Community Outreach Summary
( (2010). (2019) (2019). (33.5%) (>115mmHg (American (BP) (COACH) (Hawk, (Hawks, 120/80 2-diabetes 20 20, 200 2010). 2012). 2019). 49% 50 62% 80(2), 89-92. 99. AANA About According American Argyl. Association Association, Association. BP Based Cardiovascular Chronic Church Community Flyers Hawk, Health Health. Heart Hg. I If In Journal, New One Organization Outreach Pen References Results Retrieved S. SBP) Starting Summary TV69 The U. We When While World a able accessible; accommodate accurate addition, adults advisories age ages all allowing an and appointment are arteries, as assisted at attend attention attributable audience awareness, bank’s be best blood board, buildup bulletin bulletin. bus but by can cardiac cardiovascular care cerebrovascular change changes channel chart cheap chose chronic church communities. community community-nursing conclusion, conditions. continued control convenient cover. death demonstrate designed despite determined different disease disease, disease. due educate educated education effective entrance evaluation event event. every everything evidence exercise, explains facility factor family family. five flyers for fouCommunity four friends from gas get given goal ground guidelines hall hall; handicap happens has have health health. healthcare heart helping high homes housing hypertension hypertension, if implemented important improved in incidence increase increased increasing individual information interventions is ischemic issue it large laundry leadership less level. life. little live living local location long-term lot, maintain major manage management: marketing, mat, minute mm monitoring more most mouth, my needed. normally not number nurse-led nursing of on once one only or other our out outreach over parking patients patients’ people people, people. perception physician pick picture pizza plan plaque, population post post-office, posture, pp. presentation pressure pressure) prevention, programs promote provide providers quality r reach receive recommends recorded, reducing regimens region regular reports residents responsible restaurants, rises risk risks safely. screening screenings senior seniors service sex. should six sleep, small small-scale station, status steadily stiffness stop strategies stress, studies studies, suboptimal survey. systolic target teams texting than that the their these they three through throughout time. to top transit transportation treatment treatment, treatments two type typically up using van vans variation vascular visit want was way we website well-publicized what when who widely will with word world years, years-of-age. you your
Community Outreach Summary
According to studies, strategies for reducing the risks of cardiovascular disease and type 2-diabetes are not widely implemented despite well-publicized guidelines (Hawk, 2010). New studies provide evidence that community-nursing leadership is effective in helping patients manage these and other chronic conditions. Results of the community outreach programs demonstrate that interventions by nurse-led teams using individual treatment with blood pressure (BP) screenings improved not only the risk factor status of individual treatments regimens but patients’ perception of quality care they receive (Hawk, 2019).
One important factor is to issue guidelines and advisories designed to increase awareness, prevention, treatment, and control hypertension through community screenings (Hawk, 2019). The World Health Organization reports that suboptimal BP (>115mmHg SBP