“Climate change” is the buzz-word of the decade
“Climate change” is the buzz-word of the decade
“Climate change” is the buzz-word of the decade. More and more research is being done, more information is being disseminated, and more public health programs are being put into place. Climate change is an international challenge, it has implications for humanity, ecosystems, and environments at large. Climate is the interaction of solar radiation and the five Earth-based components of climate- atmosphere, biosphere, lithosphere, hydrosphere, and cryosphere (1). There are natural shifts in climate as well as external factors that can cause change. The changes caused by humans are called anthropogenic changes (1). Anthropogenic changes include atmospheric changes through gas emissions, changes in land use (deforestation), and urbanization to name a few (1). Therefore, climate change can be defined as any change of the five Earth-based components of climate that persists for decades or longer and can be accredited to human activity directly or indirectly (1). In the following, I will discuss