
& (1) (2) (3) 1) 1. 1.Mr. 2)Karen 2.Mr. 2.The 2.There 3)A 3.There ANALYSIS AND Abuse Along Also, An And And, At Boyce Boyce. CAUSES Care Carlin Clearly, DEFINITION Doing Early FUTURE Finally, First First, Frazier Frazier, Frazier’s Granted, Having He Hepplewhite However, INTRODUCTION ISSUE ISSUES If Improved In Increased Instead Insubordination It Karen Karen, Keith Lack Management Mismanagement Mr. Myra OF Overall, PREVENT PROBABLE PROBLEMS PROPOSED Paramount Pat Pauline Pauline. Quite RECOMMENDED Recommendations Resources SOLUTIONS STUDY Secondly, She Something Staff Survey TO The Then, This WAYS While a about above abuse accomplished accountable accountant accountant, accountants accountants. acknowledge action actions. actively address addressed addressed. affect all all, allow allowed also amount an analyze analyzed and another, any anything appointed appraisal are area areas as assigned at attacked. attributed autonomy avoid aware back basis. be because been behaviors being benefit. better blatant both bringing building’s but by calls calls. can cannot capable carefully causes causes: certain certainly challenged. challenging change channeled charge checking clearly company complaints complete completing concern concern. confront confrontation. confrontational confronted consequence continue. contributing. conversation conversation. correct correction. could couple created created. daily deal defined, degree department department. destinations detail difficult, disciplinary discussed. do does doing done done. each easily effectively. efficient. either elevator eliminate employee employees employees, employee’s end environment errands. error ethics. excellent exceptionally experience, explained faces failed familiar fashion. faster fears feasible. feel few fielding filed fill finally, firm firm, first first, five flourish. focus folder. following following: follows: for forced formalized forum found four from further future, get given goals good group guidance guidelines had happening has have he her her. here hire, hired hours how idea, ideas identified if immediately, impact imperative implement implementation implemented, implementing improvement improvement. in incentive influencing instead insubordination insubordination, internal international into investment is issue issues issues. it it, know known knows lack lacks last late leadership. least leave let letters listening long lunches made make making management management. math may measure memo mismanagement. modified monitored more must need new next. no not of office on on, once one one, one. ones only or order other others out. over ownership part people. per performance performing. personal personnel phone phone. positive possible possible, pressuring probable problems procedure process produced. productive, productivity productivity, propose proved purpose purposely quality quarterly quickly. raise rather real reasons: receipt receiving recommendations recommendations, rectified. regarding regular rely report reporting reprimand resent resistant resolve resourceful. resources resources, resources. respect review rewarding role same satisfaction schedule schedules second sending senior sense sent she should sick simple simply simply, since six skills smart, so solutions solve some someone specifically. staff staff. stop submit successful. suggested suggestions. supervisor supervisor, support supported system tCASE take taken takes tax temporary that that, the their them them, there thereof. these they this this, three time time, timely times to trained turn, two type typing typist typist, typists typists. unproductive updating vacation. virtually was way ways. week. well well. were what what’s when whenever which who will with within without wo work work, work. world would young

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The purpose of this memo is to analyze and propose solutions for the issues Karen Carlin faces as she takes on the supervisor role for the schedule typist department of Hepplewhite & Boyce. The three issues to be analyzed are (1) lack of productivity, (2) insubordination and abuse of company resources, and (3) staff mismanagement. First, the problems will be defined, and probable causes discussed. Then, recommendations will be made to resolve these issues.


The problems identified in this memo are ones Hepplewhite & Boyce can easily resolve with a few simple actions. Doing so will not only be good for the company but will be good for the employees as well. The end goals should be as follows: (1) Increased productivity within the schedule typist department. (2) An end to the insubordination and abuse of company resources. (3) Improved management of the schedule typist staff.