BRANCHES OF PHILOSOPHY MAIN BRANCHES OF PHILOSOPHY Traditionally, there are five main branches of philosophy. They are: Metaphysics, which deals with the fundamental questions of reality. Epistemo
BRANCHES OF PHILOSOPHY MAIN BRANCHES OF PHILOSOPHY Traditionally, there are five main branches of philosophy. They are: Metaphysics, which deals with the fundamental questions of reality. Epistemo
"character". "critical "knowledge". "political "science" "theory (Latin (also (as (if (innate (or (those (to (typically, * 18th A Aesthetics Alternatively, Although Another Applied Are Aristotle Aristotle's Aristotle, Aristotle. Axiology. BRANCHES Both Branches Buddhists By China, Classical Cosmology Could Defining Descartes, Descriptive East, Epistemology Epistemology, Ethics Ethics, First For Greece. Greek Greek, If Immanuel In India, Instead, It Jainists. Kant, Knowledge Logic Logic, MAIN Meditations Meta-ethics, Metaphysics Metaphysics, Modern More Much Normative OF Ontology Originally, Other PHILOSOPHY Perception, Persia Philosophy Philosophy. Physics”. Plato Plato's Plato, Poetics Political Prior Scepticism Social Some Some, Sources Subjective The There Thereafter, These They This Traditionally, West, What a abductive about achieved acquired, acquiring act. action; actions activities, activity activity, addressed addresses aesthetic aesthetically aesthetics aforementioned after all also although always an analyzed, analyzing ancient and and/or answer any any) any, anything, anything? apparatus appreciation are are, are: area areas argumentation arguments art art, art. arts as attempts attitude, authority: back balance. basic be beautiful beautiful. beauty beauty, beauty.It beauty: begun behavior behind beholder” being belief belief, beliefs belong beyond books branch branches branches. broad broadest broadly, but by called came can case, categories cause central century, certain changes character citizens civilizations, clarify classical code collective come comes comparative complement computer concept conceptions concepts conceptual concern concerned concerns conduct.The connected considered. considers contract cosmology cosmology, counterexamples course create creation creative crime. criteria culture culture, deal dealing deals debate deductive defending define defined defined. definition definition, definition. demographics denoted deriving describes description determined; determining developed develops disagree. discipline disciplines distinguish divided do does doubt duties e.g., each easily editors education effect, effects empirical encompassing end enforcement enquiry entity epistemology equally established esthetics, etc.), ethic, ethics ethics, ethos, evaluations even ever. everyday everyone evil, evolution examines example: exist existence, existence.[6] experience experience, experiment explaining explore extent eye fallacious). fallible? field film first first, five focused followed for form formal forms found four freedoms from fully functions fundamental gave general generally given good government government, grammar guide had has have he himself history history, holding how however, human humans humans). idea, ideas ideas, if if) implications, in included including individual individuals inductive inferences inherent innate intellectual intent, into introspection investigation involves is is, isolation. it it. itself). itself. judgement judgement. judgments justice justice, justification. justified know know. knowledge knowledge". knowledge, knowledge. known known. language language. later law law, laws, learn legal legitimacy legitimate legitimate, legitimately liberty, like. like? limits literary logic main major makes many mathematics, matter may meaning meanings meanings: means meant measaure memory, meta-ethics, metaphysician metaphysician. metaphysicist metaphysics metaphysics, method, middle mimic mind modern modes moral morality; morality—concepts more most music must natural nature nature, nature. nature." necessarily needed, neo-positivists, nest. non-empirical not not, notion notions o object objective objects observer observer). obtained of often on one one, ontology, ontology. opposed or or, order origin other other. our outcomes outside overthrown, owe part partial partially particular parts, path, people people's person phenomena philosophers philosophers, philosophical philosophy philosophy" philosophy, philosophy. philosophy”. physics, physics” place pleases political politics politics, possibility. possible practical primarily primary problem process properties properties, property, propositions protect qualities question questions range reality. really reason reason, reason. reasoning reasoning, reasoning. recent recommending reference referred refers reflection rejects relate relates relating reliable? religion resolve respect, rest revolution, rhetoric. right rights rights, rules same saw say say, scepticism. scholars schools science science, science. sciences, scientia) scientific scientifically scope second, seeks seems semantics, sense sense, sensori-emotional sensory sentiment several short, should shown side simply since situations; six social some sometimes sources space specific spelled standings stress strongly studied studies study study: subject subjective subjects, subjects. such suggest suggests supported supposed symbolic symmetry systematizing, take take. taste, taste. teachings. technical term terms: testimony, that the their them theoretical theory theory, theory. there there? these they things things, this those three through time, to to, took topics totality traditional transformed trivium, true truth truth, try turn twBRANCHES two understand understood. universal universe. unlike use used valid valid, validity. values values, various vernacular very vice, view, virtue volumes was wasp's way we were what what, when where whereby which while who whose why why, wide with within word work world, written wrong wrong, æsthetics) — “Beauty “after “first “metaphysics” “metaphysics”. “the
Traditionally, there are five main branches of philosophy. They are: Metaphysics, which deals with the fundamental questions of reality. Epistemology, which deals with our concept of knowledge, how we learn and what we can know. Logic, which studies the rules of valid reasoning and argumentation Ethics, or moral philosophy, which is concerned with human values and how individuals should act. Aesthetics or esthetics, which deals with the notion of beauty and the philosophy of art.
Other areas of philosophy
These five major branches of philosophy do not, however, exist in isolation. There are many other topics in philosophy which deal with one or more of these branches. For example: Philosophy of education
Philosophy of language
Philosophy of mind
Philosophy of religion
Philosophy of science
Political philosophy
Metaphysics is a traditional branch of philosophy concerned with explaining the fundamental nature of being and the world, although the term is not easily defined. Traditionally, metaphysics attempts to answer two basic questions in the broadest possible terms: What is there?
What is it like?
A person who studies metaphysics is called a metaphysicist or a metaphysician. The metaphysician attempts to clarify the fundamental notions by which people understand the world, e.g., existence, objects and them
properties, space and time, cause and effect, and possibility. A central branch of metaphysics is ontology, the investigation into the basic categories of being and how they relate to each other. Another central branch of metaphysics is cosmology, the study of the totality of all phenomena within the universe. Prior to the modern history of science, scientific questions were addressed as a part of metaphysics known as natural philosophy. Originally, the term "science" (Latin scientia) simply meant "knowledge". The scientific method, however, transformed natural philosophy into an empirical activity deriving from experiment unlike the rest of philosophy. By the end of the 18th century, it had begun to be called "science" to distinguish it from philosophy. Thereafter, metaphysics denoted philosophical enquiry of a non-empirical character into the nature of existence.[6] Some philosophers of science, such as the neo-positivists, say that natural science rejects the