A Study of Biology and the Anatomy of a Cell Membrane Eukaryotic cells are the most structurally advanced of the major cell types. One thing unique about plant cells is that they have chloroplasts.
A Study of Biology and the Anatomy of a Cell Membrane Eukaryotic cells are the most structurally advanced of the major cell types. One thing unique about plant cells is that they have chloroplasts.
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A Study of Biology and the Anatomy of a Cell Membrane
Eukaryotic cells are the most structurally advanced of the major cell types. One thing unique about plant cells is that they have chloroplasts. chloroplasts have a double-membrane envelope, called the chloroplasts envelope. Animal cell do not have chloroplasts. Chloroplasts in plant cells is where photosynthesis occurs. Photosynthesis is the process in which plants make their own food by converting light energy, water, and carbon dioxide into sugars and starches. Another unique thing about plant cells is that they have central vacuoles. Central vacuoles is what the plant cell uses to store food, water, and wastes. Central vacuoles have membranes.
The Nucleus is a eukaryotic organelle that synthesizes DNA and RNA. The nucleus