A I INF 103 1. What is Artificial Intelligence? 2. Artificial Intelligence in medicine. 3. Where are we with artificial intelligence now? 4. What’s the future of artificial intelligence have in s

A I INF 103 1. What is Artificial Intelligence? 2. Artificial Intelligence in medicine. 3. Where are we with artificial intelligence now? 4. What’s the future of artificial intelligence have in s


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A I INF 103

1. What is Artificial Intelligence?

2. Artificial Intelligence in medicine.

3. Where are we with artificial intelligence now?

4. What’s the future of artificial intelligence have in store for us? 5. Is Artificial Intelligence going to take over all human abilities?

Artificial Intelligence

When we think of artificial intelligence, we think of Hollywood movies such as A.I. and I-Robot where robots do the daily responsibilities of what humans should be doing. In this paper I am going to address what artificial intelligence is, how society uses it in medicine, where are we with artificial intelligence now, what artificial intelligence has in store for us in the future and will artificial intelligence take over all human abilities? “It is not my aim to surprise or shock you--but the simplest way I can summarize is to say that there are now in the world machines that can think, that can learn and that