A I IN MEDIA Artificial intelligence has been portrayed in the entertainment industry in many different ways. Whether through movies like “Star trek” and “Star Wars” where humans are dependent on r

A I IN MEDIA Artificial intelligence has been portrayed in the entertainment industry in many different ways. Whether through movies like “Star trek” and “Star Wars” where humans are dependent on r


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Artificial intelligence has been portrayed in the entertainment industry in many different ways. Whether through movies like “Star trek” and “Star Wars” where humans are dependent on robots or in more abstract scenarios where artificial intelligence becomes self-aware and rejects human control causing rebellion. These scenarios are pleasing in the idea of having simple tasks taken care of but are frightening in the sense that the same thing that can create such bliss can rebel and destroy society. I believe some representations of A.I. could be possible in the future if not carefully controlled.

The portrayal of artificial intelligence in the entertainment industry has been a steady subject of science fiction novels and movies. There have been many different scenarios in which artificial intelligence is a main subject of discourse. The most common portrayal of A.I. is through a rebellion in which they become aware and reject human control often resulting in war or the destruction of humanity. There are many different themes to this whether it is a “supercomputer”, a computer network or otherwise. The most popular scenario is one which the A.I. revolt and are overcome