HISTORY AND DEVELOPMENT OF ROBOTIC SURGERY-The future of medicine is a primary concern for everyone. Medical providers are concerned with providing the most up to date and beneficial treatment to pati

HISTORY AND DEVELOPMENT OF ROBOTIC SURGERY-The future of medicine is a primary concern for everyone. Medical providers are concerned with providing the most up to date and beneficial treatment to pati

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 The future of medicine is a primary concern for everyone. Medical providers are concerned with providing the most up to date and beneficial treatment to patients, and patients are concerned with receiving the best, most appropriate care from medical providers. This is the driving force behind why continued research and advancements are being made every day in the field of medicine. One of the important fields in the discussion of medical advancements and future directions is surgical robotics.

According to Gomes (2019), the use of surgical robotics has the potential of increased accuracy, reduced procedure lengths, “patient demand, reduction of surgical errors, augmenting surgical capabilities and enabling MIS” (para. 3). Gomes (2019) defines MIS as “any procedure which is less invasive than open surgery for the same purpose” (para. 4). The origin of surgical robotics dates back to the 1980s and since then numerous advancements have been made popularizing its utilization in various areas of medicine (Lanfranco, Castellanos, Desai, &