TEENAGE ABORTIONAbortion is a heavily debated issue in our country. Many people believe it is immoral and unethical, while some see it as a necessity. Whether the fetus is one or forty-five weeks old,

TEENAGE ABORTIONAbortion is a heavily debated issue in our country. Many people believe it is immoral and unethical, while some see it as a necessity. Whether the fetus is one or forty-five weeks old,

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Abortion is a heavily debated issue in our country. Many people believe it is immoral and unethical, while some see it as a necessity. Whether the fetus is one or forty-five weeks old, many still see it as murder. At what point of the term of a woman’s pregnancy, is a fetus considered a human being? This issue is still up for further debate. The debate in regards to abortion stems from whether a woman should have the right to end her pregnancy or give birth. I personally do not believe in abortion, however, I also believe it is a woman’s right to make that decision, especially in situations regarding teen pregnancy, financial hardships, rape, and incest. The following paragraphs will describe these circumstances in greater detail, supporting why I support pro choice abortion rights. The United States has the highest teen pregnancy rate of all developed countries. A sexually active teen that does not use contraception has an increased chance of becoming pregnant. Teen pregnancy is one of the most